Towards a structure of feeling: abjection and allegories of disease in science fiction ‘mutation’ filmsFrances Pheasant-Kelly10 August 2016
What is nature capable of? Evidence, ontology and speculative medical humanitiesMartin Savransky, Marsha Rosengarten24 May 2016
‘Beckett on the Wards’: medical humanities pedagogy and ‘compassionate care’Jonathan Heron, Elizabeth Barry, Francesca Duncan, Elaine Hawkins, Zoe Playdon5 November 2015
Positive affect as coercive strategy: conditionality, activation and the role of psychology in UK government workfare programmesLynne Friedli, Robert Stearn7 June 2015
Madness, childhood adversity and narrative psychiatry: caring and the moral imaginationPhilip Thomas, Eleanor Longden8 June 2013
Lost in translation. Homer in English; the patient's story in medicineRobert J Marshall, Alan Bleakley28 February 2013